Thursday, September 27, 2007


I accomplished very little today.  I happily blame this on the either jet lag, humidity, or the fact that the new iPhone firmware came in the early afternoon.  One of the three.

I did take a quick stroll around the Tufts campus, though.  It's a nice campus-- A mix of old and new Harvard Brick buildings surrounded by old, well-kept townhouses.

I met up with Mika at Porter Square for bubble tea at the Japanese mall and (eventually) dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant.  I know there's nothing more touristy than complaining about slow service, but just don't go there if you're in a hurry, or even if you have any obligations whatsoever for the next several weeks.

After:  Ice cream in the rain from Emack's.  Apparently it's the origin of Emacs' unusual name.  RMS enjoys their ice cream.

It's nice to have a few days like this to remind yourself why obligations aren't always bad things.


Gregg said...

Alex, I am enjoying your blog largely. What a windfall for some SUCH AS myself. For you see, I have no life. It must be fun to hang with such interesting people. I passed on your address to other members of your extended family. They were quite interested in your travels. Good job on the photos as well. Are you going to see the Sox?

Alex said...

Like such as!

I might try to see Dice-K pitch tonight, or maybe Wakefield pitch tomorrow.