Monday, March 31, 2014

App Week: 1

We did a bit of brainstorming last night, and aside from Flappy Tinder and GrindBus, there were some pretty good ideas.  I've settled on a simple hack using OpenMBTA data:  I want to read in GPS coordinates and compass heading, then recommend bus lines.

In other words, open the app, face the direction you want to go, and it will tell you which number to take.

I paid $99 (plus tax) for the developer program.  Still not quite sure what that's for.  All I know is that I need it to publish stuff.

While I'm guessing the main challenge for this app is going to be the backend, I at least have a good idea of how the backend is going to work.  The front end, on the other hand.  Well.  XCode.

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