Sunday, February 16, 2014

OCTPW: The Quantified Hedgehog

My first One Cool Thing Per Week (OCTPW) entry is more of a show-and-tell, since it's actually been in the works for several months.

Many of you have met my hedgehog, Hugh.  He lives in a custom-built box that has lots of sensors.  Among them are three thermometers, two cameras (including infrared), and a speedometer/odometer hooked up to his wheel.  All of this (and more!) are available at

I'm looking for more ways to consume the speedometer data.  It's both the most interesting and worst-implemented feature on the site-- Since it's limited to the last 24 hours, the only way to getting a feel for Hugh's exercise regimen is to check in every day.

From my observations, he tends to run about 4.5 miles each day, starting at 6pm (when it gets dark), again at midnight, and again at 3am.  His record distance in 24 hours is an impressive 7.67 miles!

If you're interested in a bit more technical detail, check out the "about" tab.

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